10 May 2012


Aku adalah sepasang stileto pink yang lincah tinggalkan jejak di sudut-sudut kota Jakarta.

Aku sepotong kue pelangi bertabur coklat dan secangkir kopi late panas saat senja dingin Perth di Claremont.

Aku segemerincing logam-logam emas berkilauan yang bergelayut indah di pinggul penari Timur Tengah.

Aku adalah embun dan bunga-bunga gladiol putih kesayangan yang berlomba bermekaran di taman bunga ibu.

Aku hembusan angin dingin Wamena yang terperangkap dalam pesawat kargo menuju Jayapura.

Aku adalah pagi cerah di Napples, siang benderang di Tibet, dan malam hangat di Viena.

Aku adalah anggur Woodbridge di Albion yang memabukkan dan memberikan letupan-letupan kecil saat makan malam romantis di Sabtu pertama.

Aku dentingan lembut piano yang terus mengalun menghantar kau tertidur lelap.

Aku berkilau seperti hiasan natal yang terpantul cahaya bulan di Starwood pada pertengahan Desember.

Aku gadis yang terus memandang takjub setiap karya seni yang terpampang indah di museum Guggenheim Spanyol.

Aku si periang yang selalu bersemangat dan gembira menghadang keajaiban-keajaiban kecil dalam hidup.

Aku sebahagia sinar matahari pagi yang berjalan menuruni perbukitan Pulau Rote.

Aku tertawa lepas seperti anak perempuan kecil terbahak-bahak di lantai dengan giginya yang ompong dan dua ikat kucir kuda.

Aku adalah kencan yang mudah bahagia dengan menghabiskan malam memandangi bintang diselingi lelucon-lelucon picisan.

Aku adalah pesan-pesan singkat lucu yang tak pernah berhenti muncul di telepon genggammu.

Aku adalah aku, sang petualang yang suka bertanya, centil, dan sedikit bengal.

Aku penikmat yang tak pernah bosan memandang hijau tosca air laut, mengikuti riak-riak ombak menggoncang perahu kecil yang mengarungi samudra. Aku senang bertelanjang kaki menyusuri pulau Gili Air di Lombok, menyesap jus apel yang asam setelah snorkeling bersama ikan anemon dan kura-kura pembawa keberuntungan.

Aku sekuat jembatan Santiago Callatrava yang tetap tegak saat menghadapi badai.

Aku adalah aliran air yang tak pernah berhenti mencari jawaban.

Aku adalah sebuah karunia dan jawaban. (*Sari Estikarini)

16 February 2012


What is beauty if the brain is empty
as far as I'm concerned, being smart really is SEXY

Jazzy night

being alone at my room
dancing in the dark
listening to the voice of angel from radio
enjoying fresh and sweet summer scent of a scented candle

I really cannot ask for more

15 December 2009

auzi & stephan's wedding

mc ladies

the muffins' reunited

nothing like a saturday night spending time with my ladies

20 November 2009


Hujan dini hari
Hantar semilir angin bersapu kemarau

Di balik selimut
Ku titi jalinan-jalinan benang tak bersahabat

Malam itu
Panjatkan doa tak redakan resah

Pacu aku terdiam...

14 May 2009

Hong Kong - Singapore - Jakarta

Hong Kong!
Lentera merah tanpa asa
Hantarkan nada, sendu tak mampu merayap
Puitiskan lukisan tak pandai berucap
Setia unggahkan kata
Tuk gapai senyuman jiwa

Deru MRT berpacu berderap
Redamkan rindu, getarkan rasa
Rebahkan bayang di nadir harapan
893 km, sayang!
Ku harap, tak beruang tak berjarak…

Benderang cahaya sematkan khayal
Rajut helai-helai hasrat
Lirih hati ingin berdua
Telusuri lorong jiwa
tertawa...tertawa...dan bahagia
adakah tangis tak sempat terungkap?

Hong Kong…Singapore…Jakarta…
Tanpa batas tanpa syarat
Menantimu di penghujung malam Jakarta
Gemulai malam merayu mega
Kubentuk wajah
Malam tak bertuan

28 March 2009

my cup of coffee

Same ingredients, plus some small ice cubes and whipped cream; In a pint glass or iced tea glass, add vanilla syrup and fill about 3/5 of the way with cold milk. Add ice almost to the top and pour espresso over the top. Drizzle the top with caramel and enjoy iced caramel macchiato!

---from a corner of Starbucks Oakwood.150309---

Having a cup of iced caramel macchiato, my favorite one at the corner of Starbucks Oakwood on a relaxed Sunday afternoon reminds me about my life. Yes, some people say that life is like a bowl of soup and some others call it as a box of chocolates. I prefer to analogize it with a cup of coffee.

Perhaps it is related with my hobby enjoying each taste containing in it. Sometimes it can be bitter or sweet, often both at once. An experience to sip coffee is almost similar with an experience to enjoy life.

In my life, I act as the chef; decide the ingredient should be blended to create the coffee’s taste. I have to play in. I find a challenge to get the taste which I want to sip.

If I’m bored and want to have different sensation, I just change a bit of ingredient. Or I leave my macchiato for a while and choose my other favorite coffee, Ulee Kareng from Aceh. It can be whatever I make it.

In my quest for perfect cup I often should do my best or hardest effort, doing trial and error, passing highway & byway. And when I find it…it hits me. It doesn’t only give me a very delicious taste but also soul satisfaction. And the most important the search itself is a part of the priceless experience. It’s not so much the destination, but the journey that counts. And what I find along the way.

Now I’m not sipping the sweet one, maybe a bitter one. Whatever it is, I should enjoy it. That’s life…

I believe as much bitter my coffee’s taste, there is always a way to make it better. In my way, I try to share my coffee with my closest friends and beloved family. It really means to me coz when I’m sipping the bitter coffee I feel being cheered up. And when I’m sipping the sweeter one, other people also have a chance to taste it. And life is also about sharing…

And I feel so lucky having time allocated specially with my best friend Myra every Sunday afternoon to enjoy and share our coffee. We name it our “sex & the city show”. Actually it’s not just a regular coffee time. For us it becomes a moment for sharing and encouraging each other to enjoy life. We agree to have no any other appointments with other people at that time, even appointment with our loved one.

On Sunday afternoon I feel more relaxed to contemplate what ingredient could make it smoother, more inviting, more tasty, more invigorating and give me the jolt that maybe I need to take that next step up in my life.

Perhaps most other people's life is more successful, interesting, happier, and wealthier. But I attempt to focus enjoying my coffee, even though the neighbor’s grass is greener. Yes, I have to remember that life is like a cup of coffee. We don’t know the content of the cup till we taste it. In spite of feeling envy with others’ life, it’s better for me to be grateful and think what ingredient to make my coffee more delicious.

I’m smiling…There is a cup of coffee, there is a good friend who is always loyal for sharing hot topics. What else?

Maybe I just need another cup of coffee……..as I’m a life addicted.

I soon spend my remained coffee which is bitter, come to the counter and order one more iced caramel macchiato. “Much vanilla syrup and caramel okay? The sweet one please?” I ask to the bartender... And now I'm ready to taste my next sweet coffee...

Enjoy your coffee dear friends! Sip unforgetable taste!

"I wanted to be in charge of my own destiny. I'm always wondering what I'll do next. Enough is never enough.” (Howard Schultz - The Founder of Starbucks)

PS: This is not a kind of implicit promotion of Starbucks. I’m not a Public Relations working for Starbucks:) But I’m inspired of Howard Schultz who is not only success in selling but also creating the experience to enjoy coffee become a wonderful experience as my experience to enjoy life.